The Stolper Report

Wolfgang Stolper

“At the request of the Government of Malta, the United Nations sent a Mission to study the economic problems of the Maltese Islands, to make suggestions for future policies and to help with the formulation of the Second Five Year Plan…”

So starts the final report of the Mission headed by Professor Wolfgang Stolper with Mr Rune Hellberg an Mr Sten-Ove Callander as members.

It was presented to the Malta Government on the eve of Malta’s independence in 1964.

This book presents a full edition of the Stolper Report in facsimile format.

Reading it is an experience of time travel that makes one realise the huge progress made by Malta over the decades, as fundamental changes reshaped its economy and society.

Fehmiet u Għarfien

Alfred Sant

Għażla ta’ essays u artikli miktuba bil-Malti u bl-Ingliż mill-2013 lil hawn dwar:

  • Il-qagħda politika u ekonomika ta’ Malta;

  • L-Ewropa u l-valuri tagħha;

  • Ġrajjiet internazzjonali tal-imgħoddi li għadhom parti mill-preżent tagħna;

  • Protagonisti fil-ħajja politika u soċjali ta’ Malta u barra;

  • L-ambjent, il-kultura u l-letteratura.

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